Hi Mohit,
ok, that makes sense. I'd be happy to write something around the memcache issue, why use it, as it might be something that others might find useful. If you have any suggestions on location in the documentation, let me know.

We started using it when we built a site for Earthhour 2008 http://www.earthhour.org in Radiant, and it started getting significant traffic - peaking at ~3M a day.

We used memcahce to improve Rails session handling, and also piped the Radiant cache into memcache to serve pages directly from RAM instead of disk.



Mohit Sindhwani wrote:
Ben Still wrote:
Hi everyone,
we've found the cause of the timeouts we were having when leaving a page open for too long. It turned out to be a memcache setting in production.rb

config.action_controller.session_store = :mem_cache_store
ActionController::Base.session_options[:expires] = 1800

I was going to add this in to the Troubleshooting section of the Reboot, but wasn't quite sure as it isn't actually Radiant issue as such. This setting isn't in production.rb by default -it was something that we had added in at some point.

Ben, as regards whether this should go in to the Summer Reboot, you're right, it is a bit specific to the way that you were doing things. My guess is that it won't make sense till the reason why you made the change is explained. I see 2 ways:
* It doesn't seem to belong in Troubleshooting - so just let it be
* If you ever get the chance to explain why use mem_cache and set the expiry settings, it might make sense as a small article of its own.

But, it seems like it currently targets a very small group of people. At some point, if we have something about sessions, as used in Radiant, it would be good to have this.

8/19/2008 | 9:38 AM.


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