I've applied Yevgeny's indexes (without the uniqueness constraints - YAGNI) and here's some circumstantial (i.e. not rigorous) results from running the spec suite:

**** BEFORE ****
Integration:   4.263972
Models:       51.04876
Controllers:  25.428781
Helpers:       1.062501
Lib:           2.166438
Generators:    8.256952
real 137.84
user 58.80
sys 9.15

**** AFTER ****         [speedup]
Integration:   3.677267 (13.7%)
Models:       38.548814 (24.5%)
Controllers:   7.805954 (69.3%)
Helpers:       0.987228 ( 7.1%)
Lib:           1.283434 (40.7%)
Generators:    1.746686 (78.8%)
real 87.59
user 60.00
sys 8.78

Now, you can throw out the differences on the Generators (they don't use the DB), Helpers, and probably Lib, but the changes on Integration, Models and Controllers are the most significant ones (and probably most accurate, since they take the longest). Plus, the overall 50 sec change in clock time to complete the specs was nice -- note that the user and sys didn't change much. Thanks, Yevgeny!


Yevgeny Smirnov wrote:
I think, it's good to create the following DB indexes:

    add_index "pages", ["class_name"]
    add_index "pages", ["parent_id"]
    add_index "pages", ["slug", "parent_id"], :unique => true
    add_index "pages", ["virtual", "status_id"]

    add_index "page_parts", ["page_id", "name"], :unique => true

Yevgeny Smirnov
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