On Thu, Jan 8, 2009 at 5:50 PM, Sean Cribbs <seancri...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I'm not certain about the 0.7RC script/extension problem, but if you're
> using 0.6.9, and use script/extension install, go into
> vendor/extensions/page_attachments and run this:
> git reset --hard 0.6.9
> This will put the extension back onto a (hopefully) 0.6.9-compatible
> version.  Now run `git submodule init && git submodule update` to get
> attachment_fu, and then run `rake db:migrate:extensions
> radiant:extensions:update_all` from the root of your project.
> Going forward, we should be adding support for selecting specific
> tags/forks/etc from the extension installer.  I'm going to reiterate my call
> for contributions to the extension registry.  It essentially hasn't changed
> since I deployed it in August.

Sean, I had to go back to 81124e93 to get page_attachments to work properly.
The very next commit broke the ability to destroy page_attachments. I think
it was the changes in the model "page_attachment_associations.rb" that
removed both the :delete_attachments and :destroy_attachment attribute
accessors. I tried a number of releases and 81124e93 was the first that
worked exactly as it was supposed to.

That my experience any way. I spent a lot of time trying to get this to work
and nothing more recent would.

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