Elle Meredith wrote:

On 01/03/2009, at 5:57 AM, radiant-requ...@radiantcms.org wrote:

I have had them running from sqlite3 rather than mysql, with and without
Passenger.  I've had other problems but never unacceptable delays.

Just a question. I have a small site that is about to go live. It can easily be done using static html but I'm thinking of the future and would like to have an admin interface and probably a news area in the future. But since it probably will never be a big website, should I go with mysql or sqlite3?
Webhost is RailsPlayground btw (currently reseller account not VPS)
Hi Elle,

Actually, I'm using Radiant + sqlite3 on RailsPlayground... it works just fine. There's nothing wrong in working it that way. It has one significant advantage: you can edit the site on your development PC into a sqlite3 database and just update the new sqlite3 database when you're done. Updating sites is really easy that way!

That said, you would get some performance benefits with MySQL, especially with sites that are updated online more frequently. Anyway, you don't really have to take that decision right now. You can start with SQLite3 and then move it to MySQL or something using the instructions at: http://wiki.radiantcms.org/Migrating_from_SQLite_to_MySQL

3/1/2009 | 10:19 AM.

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