Tom Stoll said the following on 11/16/2009 05:01 PM:
> Can anyone guess as to what the problem might be here? It actually worked
> once (Paperclipped with an mp3 file, that is).
> I did not change a thing and came back this morning to get the 'Missing
> template...create.erb' error that I'd been getting.

I think you did.
I think you did what I did.
Paperclipped 'broke' on me after it had been working.

Eventually I tracked it down to a upgrade of Firefox that had happened

I mentioned this to Keith Bingman and he thought it likely and the fault
probably in lowpro.js.

He suggested:
        Run rake radiant:extensions:paperclip:update to install the
        latest js.If that doesn't work, replace the file lowpro.js with
        the current one form github. that should help.

I'll be trying that tomorrow :-)

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