Hi Again Folks,

For posterity, here is the solution I came up with:

First, I needed to extend the call to paginate:pages.  If there was a 
category_id value, then I added it to the tag.local member with:

tag.locals.params = {:category_id => @category_id}

This adds the param to the request object in a manner that is easy to check.

Then, in the class RadiantLinkRenderer, which derives from 
WillPaginate::LinkRenderer, I modified the page_link method to add the options 
to the generated link if present.  First, I built the parameter string with:

params = param_options(@options[:params]) if @options[:params]

The "params_options" is a private method that maps the params hash into an 
array of key=value strings and joins them with a ",".  The whole thing is 
returned behind a "?" and is appended to the URL if present.  If not, the 
params variable equates to nil and there is no impact to the generate URL.

Hope this helps someone in the future.

From: Peter Degen-Portnoy <pport...@avenue100.com>
Reply-To: Radiant Mailing List <radiant@radiantcms.org>
Date: Thu, 8 Apr 2010 11:09:58 -0500
To: Radiant Mailing List <radiant@radiantcms.org>
Subject: [Radiant] Adding param to pagination

Hi Folks,

I believe this has been addressed in the past, I'd greatly appreciate some 
pointers to information.

We have some blog pages with blog categories.  The model is that BlogCategory 
has_and_belongs_to_many :pages - rather standard.   The blog URL is 
"<hostname>/blog".  When we filter by category, the url is 
"<hostname>/blog?category_id=x".  However, when filtering by category, the 
generated pagination link never includes the category_id parameter.  So, in 
effect, the pagination is always for the unfiltered blog index.  We're using 
Aissac's pagination extension with Radiant 0.8.1 and will_paginate 2.3.8.

My understanding is that passing in the :params value to the will_paginate call 
will use those values when rendering the URL (from 
http://gitrdoc.com/mislav/will_paginate/tree/master/).  The example provided 
with the :params option is for specifying the controller and action, but it 
seems as though it should be the correct mechanism for getting a parameter 
generated in the pagination link.

I've tried adding a hash like :params => {:category_id => @category_id} to the 
call to the paginate:pages call, but that wasn't passed along to the 
will_paginate call, so then I merged the :params value in with the options 
passed to will_paginate inside the paginate:pages call, but that wasn't 
successful either.

I can see the :params value getting passed into will_paginate, but not getting 
picked up. So, while I'm digging further down, I thought I'd ask all you very 
experienced experts to see if it's possible to do what we're hoping to do in a 
more obvious manner.

Thanks so very much for your time and any help you can offer!

- Peter
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