
On Fri, Jun 25, 2010 at 2:38 AM, William Ross <w...@spanner.org> wrote:
> The main event_calendar extension (note singular) is up to date for 0.9 and 
> working well.
>        http://github.com/radiant/radiant-event-calendar-extension

I totally missed the line "I've recently added an administrative
interface for adding events directly" when originally reading the
description.  I will definitely check out event calendar.  If there
were a handful of users creating events I'd likely go the iCal/CalDAV
path, but I think that'd be too much work to setup/support a hundred
or so users.  Integrating it into the Radiant interface should be

> Reader is in quite good shape but it needs some interface updates for 0.9.

Sweet, I'll keep an eye out for your work and hopefully have some bits
to contribute back to the project.

> > Also, when a business owner logs in to the admin site, I'd like them
> > to only see the part of the page tree where their business is the
> > root.  Basically creating a "virtual" tree scoped just to their
> > account.
> There are a few different extensions that do that in order to serve several 
> sites.

Good point.  I'll check into the state of multi-site extensions.

Thanks for the feedback,

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