Mimic the calls to

skip_before_filter :verify_authenticity_token

from SiteController in your extension's controllers - that's how the regular Radiant pages do not require login.

Alternatively, you could have your controllers descend from SiteController as well, although that might a bit overkill.


On 10/19/10 3:32 PM, Jeff Casimir wrote:
Hey all,

I'm working on an extension that has controllers and views which I
want to be publicly accessible -- they don't go through the normal
radiant page structure or use the admin interface.  As long as I'm
logged into the radiant admin interface everything works great.  If
you're not logged into Radiant, though, it bounces you to the admin
login screen when you try to access any action.

Is there an easy config option to tell radiant "allow public access to
these controllers / urls"?


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