On 10 Dec 2010, at 15:56, lmorris99 wrote:

> New install of Radiant here, 0.9.1;
> extensions show Textile 1.0 (and other filters too of course).
> My problem is:
> I edit a page, and change the Filter from <none> to Textile, click
> Save changes;
> then I edit the page again, and I still see straight html.
> Textile is a wysiwyg editor, right? So I should not be seeing html,
> right?

No, that's all as it should be. There are extensions that will give you that 
sort of translated view - last time I needed one, tinypaper[1] looked best - 
but the textile and markdown filters don't work that way. They allow you to use 
different kinds of shorthand [2] in order to simplify what you have to type and 
edit, but they don't interpret it for you as you go along. 

It can be difficult to persuade word processor users of the benefits of textile 
or markdown, but if you're used to code you'll probably find it very pleasing. 
Give yourself a chance to get used to it before you go back to wysinwyg.



[1] http://ext.radiantcms.org/extensions/178-tiny-paper
[2] http://redcloth.org/textile and http://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/

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