I'm using an old version of Radiant (0.6.7) [1] but I think this behavior
still exists in tip as well based upon what I see in github [2].

My customer has a bunch of events in various cities across the world this
year that they want to publish via our CMS. So the natural and most
convenient thing to do is to put them under an ArchivePage so the URLs look
like this:


Where YYYY/MM/DD is the date that the event will be held.

The problem with this, however, is that my customer is going to be hosting
multiple events in the same city on different dates, e.g.:


However, the uniqueness constraint in page.rb[2] makes this impossible,
since it enforces a unique slug under the parent. This seems excessively and
unnecessarily restrictive for an ArchivePage--the uniqueness constraint
really should be on the URL, not the slug.

I'm able to get around this problem by hacking page.rb to include the

  validates_uniqueness_of :slug, :scope => :parent_id, :message => 'slug
already in use for child of parent'*, :if => Proc.new { |page|
page.parent.class_name != 'ArchivePage' }*

  validate :unique_slug_unless_parent_is_archive


    def unique_slug_unless_parent_is_archive
      return unless parent.class_name == 'ArchivePage'

      my_url = self.url

      match = Page.find_by_url(my_url)

      if match and match != self
        errors.add :class_name, "URL #{my_url} is not unique. Choose another

However, for hopefully obvious reasons, I don't want to hack the source
directly--I'd rather monkey patch, but it doesn't look as if the change I
made to the "validates_uniqueness_of" line above (in bold) is possible with
a monkey patch.

Is there any chance of making this an official change in Radiant? Are there
any other solutions or problems with my hack that I'm overlooking?



-- Footnotes

[1] An upgrade is in the works, but I keep getting preempted by "more
important stuff." :-\
[2] https://github.com/radiant/radiant/blob/master/app/models/page.rb

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