On Tue, Jun 7, 2011 at 10:16 AM, Tom Brooke <tom.bro...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Has anyone else started playing with extensions in rc2?
>  --So far the coffee script extension seems to install fine - But I don't
> know much coffee script so I haven't done much with it
> I tried to install events calendar via gem and  broke all my extensions and
> I haven't looked at any others yet - It may work via the old fashion install
> but I haven't tried it yet - this is an important one for me so let me know
> if you success with it
> Tom Brooke

It would be helpful to report specific errors either here or on the
extensions issues area. Without specific details, we won't know what's
wrong; sometimes the answer is simple.

There is a coffee script filter extension which will be overcome by
the standard sheets extension. I'm building this into the core and
working on a new template so that you'll have what you need to get
going understanding the best way to use radius, scss/sass, and

There's a lot of development going on and I really appreciate all the
feedback that's been coming in to help us make it better.


Jim Gay
Saturn Flyer LLC

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