See these notes:

The upgrade should be easy if all that's needed is addressing the tab API.

Often, when I have a problem like this, I fork the repo and push my
changes there. That way others can benefit from the fixes too and it's
easier for me to track. Don't just edit it in your project and call it
a day.

That reminds me, I need to update those upgrade notes for the latest version.

On Thu, Sep 6, 2012 at 3:05 PM, saalon <> wrote:
> I'm upgrading from radiant 0.8.1 to 1.0, and I'm having a problem with one
> of the extensions we're using. We use multi-site-extension, and it uses the
> submenu extension to allow users to choose which site they want scoped to.
> Unfortunately, submenu isn't compatible with the Tabs changes from Radiant
> 0.9.1, and the extension hasn't been updated.
> I'm hoping for some guidance on what changed with Tabs and what changed
> might be needed.
> This is the multi-site extension we're using:
> This is the submenu extension:
> The code that's dying during initialization of the app is the attempt to
> include TabExtensions in Radiant::AdminUI::Tab, which is coming back as an
> uninitialized constant. What's replaced Radiant::AdminUI::Tab? Is there a
> different object the extensions should be included into?
> def activate
>     Radiant::AdminUI::Tab.send :include, TabExtensions
>     Radiant::AdminUI.send :include, Submenu
>     ApplicationHelper.send :include, Admin::SubmenuHelper
>     ApplicationController.send :include, ResourceControllerExtensions
>     UserActionObserver.instance.send :add_observer!, SubmenuLink
>     unless defined? admin.submenu_links
>       Radiant::AdminUI.send :include, SubmenuAdminUI
>       admin.submenu_link =
> Radiant::AdminUI.load_default_submenu_link_regions
>     end
> Thank you!
> Eric

Write intention revealing code #=>

Jim Gay
Saturn Flyer LLC

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