HI Mike,

You sure can.  Do something like this : (For an ODBC DB...but similar for

 AuthByPolicy ContinueUntilReject

<AuthBy SQL>
  DBSource        dbi:ODBC:xxxx
  DBUsername      xxx
  DBAuth          xxxx

  AccountingTable %Y%m

  AcctColumnDef   ACCTSESSIONID,Acct-Session-Id
  AcctColumnDef   USERNAME,User-Name
  AcctColumnDef   ASCENDXMITRATE,Ascend-Xmit-Rate,integer
  AcctColumnDef   ASCENDDATARATE,Ascend-Data-Rate,integer

<AuthBy NT>
  Identifier NTSystem
  Domain xxxx.xxx.xxx

(Or replace the last one with Unix or File or whatever)


Anton Sparrius
Smarter Way    http://www.smart.net.au
Email                [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Phone              (03) 9846 1711
         Melb       1800-240-829
         Sydn       1800-888-761

-----Original Message-----
From: mike grommet <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Thursday, March 11, 1999 4:12 AM
Subject: (RADIATOR) Question: Authenticate by unix, but use SQL accounting?

>For management purposes, I would like to be able to keep my authentication
>working as it is with my unix users file, but I would like to
>store all accounting information, and session limit stuff in a SQL
>From reading the docs, it seems radiator can do this if I am doing authby
>but doesnt seem to include possibilities for this scenario...  Am I missing
>It sure would be nice to be able to do queries to an sql database to check
>customer usage and such.
>I realize I could make an SQL database out of the unix password file, but I
>would prefer to not
>have to do this to achieve this functionality...
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