Hi Stuart,
thanks for the dictionary mods.
Most of them have already been integrated into the basic dictionary, but
some of it was new for us. I also have some slightly later infomation that
might be helpful:

for attr 62, which wa shown as UNKNOWN-1

VENDORATTR 1584 Annex-MRRU    62 integer

you showed 63 as being called Annex-NAS-MAC-Address, but we have been told
its called Annex-EDO.

Mike McCauley                                 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Open System Consultants                 +61 3 9598 0985

Mike is travelling right now, and there may be delays
in our correspondence.
-----Original Message-----
From: Stuart Henderson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Wednesday, April 07, 1999 9:10 PM
Subject: Re: (RADIATOR) Can you help ?

>> We want to try Radiator but do not have the man power to do that.
>It doesn't need a lot of manpower to get the core functions working,
>although Radiator probably does deserve enough of someone's time to get
>it working well and fully integrated with your database so you can make
>full use of it.
>> We use BAY 5399.
>This may help a little:
>It is a modified version of mikem's dictionary provided with Radiator, I
>have just added the Bay vsa's. A few of the attributes don't have the
>correct "official" Bay names because they are not, afaict, documented
>anywhere (and Bay didn't say what they should be :) however it will stop
>the warnings about attributes not being found, and give you proper
>disconnect reasons in the log files.
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