On Wed, 12 May 1999, Kevin wrote:

> Can anyone using MRTG for pulling stats on their Radiator, fill me in on 
> what exactly they are able to monitor and how they're going about doing 
> it.  We currently use MRTG to monitor bandwidth, but I've seen some people 
> tweak it for monitoring other interesting stuff...

Well, this is what I do (via a cron job every 5 minutes):

$total = 0;
$accttotal = 0;

open(FD, "/usr/local/bin/snmpwalk host community
.  |") or die;
    $total += $1    if (/.* = (\d+)/);

open(FD, "/usr/local/bin/snmpwalk host community
.  |") or die;
    $accttotal += $1    if (/.* = (\d+)/);

$total *= 8;
$accttotal *= 8;

open(FD, ">/stats/radius.stats");
print FD "$total\n$total\n";

open(FD, ">/stats/radiusacct.stats");
print FD "$accttotal\n$accttotal\n";

exit 0;

Then I have the following config for MRTG:

Target[radiator]: `/bin/cat /stats/radius.stats`
MaxBytes[radiator]: 2000
Options[radiator]: nopercent
Title[radiator]: Radius Statistics
PageTop[radiator]: Radius Statistics</H1>
WithPeak[radiator]: dwmy
YLegend[radiator]: No. of queries
ShortLegend[radiator]: queries
LegendI[radiator]: &nbsp;Authentication:


Target[radacct]: `/bin/cat /stats/radiusacct.stats`
MaxBytes[radacct]: 2000
Options[radacct]: nopercent
Title[radacct]: Radius Statistics
PageTop[radacct]: Radius Statistics</H1>
WithPeak[radacct]: dwmy
YLegend[radacct]: No. of queries
ShortLegend[radacct]: queries
LegendI[radacct]: &nbsp;Accounting:


I'm sure there is a better way but at some point you get tired of trying
to find it and just do something that works.

Have fun,


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