With this DBM file entry:

chrism  Auth-Type = "System",
        NAS-Port-Type = "Async"
        Service-Type = "Framed-User",
        Framed-Protocol = "PPP",
        Framed-IP-Address = "",
        Framed-MTU = "1500"

Why does this debug output happen:

Tue Jun 15 17:20:34 1999: DEBUG: Handling request with Handler 'Realm='
Tue Jun 15 17:20:34 1999: DEBUG: Rewrote user name to chrism
Tue Jun 15 17:20:34 1999: DEBUG: Handling with Radius::AuthDBFILE
Tue Jun 15 17:20:34 1999: DEBUG: Radius::AuthDBFILE looks for match with chrism
Tue Jun 15 17:20:34 1999: WARNING: Could not find Identifier for Auth-Type System
Tue Jun 15 17:20:34 1999: DEBUG: Radius::AuthDBFILE REJECT: Could not find Identifier 
for Auth-Type System
Tue Jun 15 17:20:34 1999: INFO: Access rejected for chrism: Could not find Identifier 
for Auth-Type System
Tue Jun 15 17:20:34 1999: DEBUG: Packet dump:

Here is the .cfg file entry:

        # turn into lowercase
        RewriteUsername tr/A-Z/a-z/
        AuthByPolicy ContinueWhileAccept
        <AuthBy DBFILE>
                Identifier System
                Filename %D/users
        # Log accounting to the detail file in LogDir
        AcctLogFileName %L/detail


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