On Tue, Jun 22, 1999 at 12:33:10PM -0600, Chris M wrote:
> What have I left out?
> I am getting these Trace 4 messages:
> Tue Jun 22 12:14:40 1999: DEBUG: Handling request with Handler 'Realm='
> Tue Jun 22 12:14:40 1999: DEBUG: Rewrote user name to clela
> Tue Jun 22 12:14:40 1999: DEBUG: Handling with Radius::AuthDBFILE
> Tue Jun 22 12:14:40 1999: DEBUG: Radius::AuthDBFILE looks for match with clela
> Tue Jun 22 12:14:40 1999: WARNING: Could not find Identifier for Auth-Type System
> Tue Jun 22 12:14:40 1999: DEBUG: Radius::AuthDBFILE REJECT: Could not find 
>Identifier for Auth-Type System
> Tue Jun 22 12:14:40 1999: INFO: Access rejected for clela: Could not find Identifier 
>for Auth-Type System
> I have Radiator 2.13 working on one system and thought I had copied
> everything over to this system to make it work.  Apparently I am
> missing something?

Hmm. Does your users file have 'Auth-Type System' in it? Should be 'Auth-Type
= System'.


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