On Tue, 10 Aug 1999, Hugh Irvine wrote:

> On Mon, 09 Aug 1999, Neale Banks wrote:
> > Hi all,
> > 
> > For some attributes (especially timeouts) I want to add a "default" value 
> > iff the attribute is not specified in the user's record (if it is 
> > specified, we just use what's in the user's record.
> > 
> > Can I do this with AddToReply (docs don't mention conditional adding), or 
> > will it be necessary to do something more convoluted in a Hook?
> You should probably use "DefaultReply" 
> (Section 6.14.8 in the 2.14.1 manual).

Thanks Hugh.  I saw that one, but the manual says "it adds attributes to 
an Access-Accept _only_ if there would otherwise be no reply attributes." 
which I read as saying that the reply had to be totally void of A-V pairs.

Perhaps I'm tackling this the wrong way?  The underlying requirement is 
to be able to set per-NAS defaults for some items (e.g. idle timeouts) 
but have these over-ridable by explicit entries in a user's record (e.g. 
long/disabled idle timeout for "permanent" users).  My thinking was to 
have a Handler that added to the reply for specific A-V pairs _only_ if 
that A-V pair was not present in the user's reply.


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