On Mon, 3 Apr 2000, Rustam Povarov wrote:

|o| How can I add some reply items in Access-Reject message? I need to
|o| return h323-return-code=<cause> to my IVR script, if user not
|o| exist in database.

This is Cisco's problem: too little documentation. Too bad it's getting to
the point where alternatives simply aren't feasible.

1) Make an entry in your dictionary file for the H323-Return-Code
VSA attribute (Cisco's vendor code is 9)

2) All H323 VSA's should be return in the format:

<H323-attrib> = "<cisco-h323-attrib-id>=<value>"

ie. H323-Return-Code = "h323-return-code=0"

BTW ... that's how attribs are passed by client to server, too.

L   L Richi Plana 8^)         ,-,-.     ,-,-.     ,-,-.     ,-,-.     ,-
LL LL Systems Administrator  / / \ \   / / \ \   / / \ \   / / \ \   / /
LLLLL Mosaic Communications, Inc. \ \ / /   \ \ / /   \ \ / /   \ \ / / 
LLLLL mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]     `-'-'     `-'-'     `-'-'     `-'-' 

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