On Thu, 29 Jun 2000, Jason Godsey wrote:

> Hugh, the problem is I don't have a configuration file to support what I
> want to do, which is;
> Allow customer Jason Godsey, with user name jason to connect with any
> modem program such as hyperterminal and type Login: jason and be ushered
> to the rlogin host.  At the same time, I'd like to allow jason to also use
> the username jason as his login in Dialup Networking for a PPP connection.
> We currently solve this by having PPP customers use a capitol P before
> their username Pjason.  This is causing alot of problems for customers as
> we get more and more computer novice people who can't figure out why they
> need Pjason to use dialup and just jason for email etc..
> I would like to find some sort of hook I can use in my <Handler clauses to
> identify the session as PPP or Login-User transparently to the customer
> based on what the portmaster sends in the auth packet.  If it helps, I
> beleve all of our PPP customers support PAP.
> One way I've tried this is trying Sjason for Shell, radiator works great
> catching it, strips the S and checks the user/pass just fine and hands the
> portmasters the Login-IP-Address etc..  The ONLY problem is that the
> portmaster then hands the Rlogin host Sjason instead of just jason.  If I
> create a user on the shell system as Sjason it works great.
> If there is no easy way to distinguish between a PPP and User-Login based
> on what the portmaster feeds radius in the auth packet, I have the option
> of patching my Rlogin daemon to strip s/^S//; but I was hoping for a more
> elegant solution :)

Jason, the portmaster should autodetect the difference. I know that
Ascend, Assured Access, and Cisco NASes do. You shouldn't have to have a
capital P in front of their usernames.

For instance, with us, if you dialup to us, we wait for you to start
PAP. If we don't see PAP after a couple of seconds, it drops you into the
Login-User mode. Same usernames for either connection method. Doesn't get
more elegant than that :>


Andy Dills                              301-682-9972
Xecunet, LLC                            www.xecu.net
Dialup * Webhosting * E-Commerce * High-Speed Access

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