Hello everyone,

I was using a modification to AuthGeneric.pm that uses finger to
count simultaneous-user,
but had to trash it because the output of finger truncates the
user name and because we have
valid user names in the format [EMAIL PROTECTED] I rewrote it
to use snmpwalk, but
had to trash that also because response times were too slow and I
was getting too
many timeouts. So now we're considering AuthbySQL.

The following excerpt is from the archives.

I'd like to go over this because we are thinking about using
AuthSQL (with mySQL),
but I have hesitated because I didn't fully understand how
Radiator went about
checking the integrity/consistency of the database.

>> And it is also not clear, why the users session is deleted
before a SELECT
>> query is made on the RADONLINE table.

>What happens is this. When Radiator receives an Access-Request,
it first of all
>does some housekeeping and deletes any old session database
record for that NAS
>and Port number. This is because we might have missed a Stop
record, and also
>because by definition there cannot be an existing session for
that NAS and Port

We have users that have a Simultaneous-Use of more that 1. In
that case,  isn't it
possible to have existing multiple records in the database with a
the same NASIDENTIFIER and
NASPORT, but with different ACCTSESSIONID (I'm thinking that
the same as the SessionID reported with finger. Is that

>Secondly, Radiator verifies the session database to check on
>simultaneous use limits. Thirdly, only if there are already the
maximum number
>of simultaneous sessions for the user will Radiator then go and
check with the
>NAS(s) whether the sessions in the session database are still

How does the RADONLINE table get rebuilt after a disconnection?
During the time a connection was not available only
Simultaneous-Use would be affected?
During the time a connection was not avaiable does Radiator then
directly poll "all" of
the NASIDENTIFIER/NASPORT combinations (using finger for

Thanks in advance.

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