Title: can snmpget query NAS w/ Cisco-NAS-Port?

Problem: we want to query Cisco 5400's for simultaneous use, but for VoIP, there is no Nas-Port in the Access-Request, only Cisco-Nas-Port.

My understanding is that, to double check the Session DB's accuracy, snmpget will do a lookup based on NAS-Identifier, NAS-Port, and Username, and a few other things (see Nas.pm, isOnline()):

        ($name, $nas_id, $nas_port, $session_id, $client, $framed_ip_address)

For the Ciscos in particular, it appears to use:


and it's all looking under the MIB:


(See also SessSQL.pm). Obviously, we can modify the SessionDatabase's AddQuery to insert the Cisco-NAS-Port rather than the Nas-Port. But how do we get snmpget to query that info in the Cisco MIB?

Thanks in advance!!


Dave Kitabjian
NetCarrier, Software Engineering

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