Hello Andy -

On Sat, 8 Dec 2001 02:43, Andy Dills wrote:
> First off, I'd like to mention my positive experience with Radiator...it's
> simply fantastic. We've been using a highly hacked 2.15 for almost two
> years. I'm now in the process of starting from sratch with a new server
> (now FreeBSD, old server was a sparc20), with more agressive goals in
> terms of SQL integration and management. We used to use FreeTDS to do the
> rudimentary stuff required for sticking auth logs in the MS-SQL 7 based
> Platypus. On the new server, I used openlinks package...very nice. If
> you're trying to do ODBC from an x86-based Unix client to a Windows-based
> DB, openlink is definitely a solid solution.

Thanks for the kind words - we hope you tell everyone about Radiator!

> Anyways, going from 2.15 to 2.19, there are tons of new features.
> However, one feature I remember I wished I had last time I was deeply
> involved in radius (2 years ago), was the ability to call an external
> script for NasType...we have an Assured Access NAS (similar to the TNT or
> CVX), and I had to hack up a crazy snmp script to extract current
> usernames from it (they don't return the usernames in text, but instead in
> a funky hex that has to be decoded).  It was too ugly to submit. I would
> much rather have made that an external program. I still have to port that
> up, and I'd like to make it an external app. For some reason the generic
> distribution radius.cfg (long version) mentions a NasType of Other, but
> says "not implemented yet". Any idea when this will in place?

Hmmmm - yes - I can see that it could be useful. Mike is away for a couple of 
weeks, but I have copied him on this mail and we will look at it when he 

In the meantime, you could always use either a PreHandlerHook in the Client 
clause, or a cascaded AuthBy EXTERNAL clause in the Realm or Handler.

There are some example hooks in the file "goodies/hooks.txt".



Radiator: the most portable, flexible and configurable RADIUS server
anywhere. Available on *NIX, *BSD, Windows 95/98/2000, NT, MacOS X.
Nets: internetwork inventory and management - graphical, extensible,
flexible with hardware, software, platform and database independence.

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