I've followed the Radiator manual for <AuthLog SQL>

Here are my config entries:

<AuthLog SQL>
        Identifier      SQL-AuthLog1
        FailureQuery    EXEC sp_RadiusAuthLog
        LogSuccess      0
        LogFailure      1

        RewriteUsername         s/^(P|C|S)//
        RewriteUsername         tr/A-Z/a-z/
        RewriteUsername         s/\s+//g
        AuthByPolicy            ContinueAlways
        AuthBy                  Acct-SQL
        AuthBy                  Auth-NAS
        AuthLog                 SQL-AuthLog1
        SessionDatabase         Null-SDB

My questions is, how does AuthLog SQL know which database source to use?
Or will it assume to use the same source as the AuthBy?   Or does it
accept DBSource, etc?  The manual does not state so.  All the manual
states is:

6.50 <AuthLog SQL>
The clause indicates to log authentication successes and failures to an
SQL database. You can define as many <AuthLog SQL> clauses as you wish
at the top level or within Realm or Handler clauses. Each clause can
specify different logging conditions and a different log database.

As well as the generic parameters described in Section 6.48 , AuthLog
SQL understands the following parameters:

Please advise.

Robert Blayzor, BOFH

If the automobile had followed the same development cycle as the
computer, a Rolls-Royce would today cost $100, get a million miles per
gallon, and explode once a year, killing everyone inside. - Robert X.

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