I have attached my radius.cfg file. Currently, I don't have the ability to capture a snoop showing the problem. Basically, here's what I saw during the snoop:

# snoop port 1812 ns1
<NAS A> -> ns1
<NAS A> -> ns1
<NAS A> -> ns1
<NAS B> -> ns1
<NAS B> -> ns1
<NAS B> -> ns1
. . .

As far as a level 4 trace, it showed nothing from the NASes it decided
to ignore (like A and B in the example snoop).  According to the logs,
all the other NASes were behaving normally.


Frank Danielson wrote:

It's hard to say from the info you have provided. How about providing the
config file, a level 4 trace, and doing a snoop -o to capture some of this
unanswered traffic to a file and send that as well?

-----Original Message-----
From: Jason Signalness [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, December 17, 2003 2:11 PM
Subject: (RADIATOR) Radiator ignoring some clients


We are having serious issues with Radiator. I tried e-mailing this to radius-support and to the list, but have not received a response from either. It doesn't appear the message posted to the list, so I will try again using my other address.

Our environment:
 Radiator 3.7.1
 Perl 5.8.1
 Solaris 9

Basically, we tried to upgrade from Radiator 3.3.1 running on Solaris 8 with Perl 5.6 to the new setup. On the new server (Solaris 9) I installed Radiator, copied over the config files, updated the environment variables (ORACLE_HOME, etc) and started it up. No problems. I used radpwtst to test users in our various databases (LDAP, Oracle, and a flat file) and it all seemed fine.

Then we put this upgraded system (actually 2 identical systems) into production. Requests from certain access servers are handled and answered by Radiator. Requests from other access servers seem to be completely ignored. By "completely ignored," I mean that nothing shows up at all in a DEBUG level log. If I run a snoop on the radius server, I see a ton of traffic from a given NAS to the radius server on port 1812, but not a single response going the other way.

We have cleared the ARP entries in our switches and rebooted one of the NASes. Same behavior. It is as if Radiator simply doesn't pay attention to some access servers or some requests from some access servers.

Eventually, we gave up and powered on our old servers (Radiator 3.3.1, Perl 5.6, Solaris 8). The really weird thing is that we see this behavior on these servers as well... and they worked perfectly earlier.

When I launch Radar, I see the clients listed. And like I said before, I'm not getting any "bad authenticator" errors in the logs. Nothing shows up at all for most of our access servers.

I'm desparate for assistance.


# radius.cfg

Trace 4 

# Set this to the database directory. It should contain these files:
# users         The user database/file           
# dictionary    The NAS dictionary  
DbDir           /opt/share/radiator/configs
DictionaryFile  %D/dictionary

LogDir          /var/log/radius
LogFile         %L/%m-%d-%Y-radius.log 
PidFile         %L/radius.pid

# Used to check NAS for Simultaneous-Use
SnmpgetProg     /opt/share/net-snmp/bin/snmpget

AuthPort        1812
AcctPort        1813

# Remove any non-alphanumeric characters
RewriteUsername s/[EMAIL PROTECTED]//g

# Remove any spaces from usernames
RewriteUsername s/\s+//g

# Converts anything uppercase to lowercase
RewriteUsername tr/A-Z/a-z/

# Allow SNMP tests
        ROCommunity xxxxxxxx
        Port 1983

# Log authentication FAILURES to the database for BTI customers.
<AuthLog SQL>
        Identifier      BTIAuthLoggerSQL
        DBSource        dbi:Oracle:xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
        DBUsername      btiauth
        DBAuth          xxxxxxxxxxxxx

        Timeout                 10      
        FailureBackoffTime      60      

        FailureQuery    BEGIN radius.logAppAction('%n','rad','LOGIN FAILED (%h): %n 
('%1')','error','%c'); END;

<AuthLog FILE>
        Identifier      BTIAuthLoggerFile
        Filename        %L/%m-%d-%Y-btiauth.log

# Handler to immediately reject the premastack user
# which is something that the routers at PREMA use and
# is NOT an actual user.
        <AuthBy FILE>
                Filename %D/reject_user

<AuthBy PLSQL>
        Identifier BTICheckDB
        #DefaultSimultaneousUse 1
        DBSource        dbi:Oracle:xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
        DBUsername      btiauth
        DBAuth          xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
        Timeout                 10
        FailureBackoffTime      60
        # Authentication.  Note that getUser searches on a username field that 
contains [EMAIL PROTECTED], not just username.
        #                  Note that the view being searched also contains only users 
who have the "rad" application
        #                  enabled and are active.  
        AuthBlock       BEGIN radius.getUser('%n',:passwd,:check_item,:reply_item); 
        AuthParamDef    :passwd,        Encrypted-Password,     check
        AuthParamDef    :check_item,    GENERIC,                check
        AuthParamDef    :reply_item,    GENERIC,                reply

<AuthBy PLSQL>
        Identifier BTIWireless

        #DefaultSimultaneousUse 1

        DBSource        dbi:Oracle:xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
        DBUsername      btiauth
        DBAuth          xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

        Timeout                 10
        FailureBackoffTime      60

        # Authentication.  Note that getUser searches on a username field that 
contains [EMAIL PROTECTED], not just username.
        #                  Note that the view being searched also contains only users 
who have the "rad" application
        #                  enabled and are active.
        AuthBlock       BEGIN radius.getUser('%n',:passwd,:check_item,:reply_item); 

        AuthParamDef    :passwd,        Password,               check
        AuthParamDef    :check_item,    GENERIC,                check
        AuthParamDef    :reply_item,    GENERIC,                reply

<AuthBy FILE>
        Identifier BTICheckFILE
        #DefaultSimultaneousUse 1
        Filename        %D/users

<AuthBy LDAP2>
        Identifier              BTICheckLDAP_ns1
#       DefaultSimultaneousUse  1
        AuthDN                  cn=proxyagent,ou=people,o=bti
        AuthPassword            xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
        Debug                   255
        Host                    ns1.btinet.net
        SearchFilter            (&(btiallowedapplications=rad)(uid=%U))
        BaseDN                  ou=People,o=%R,o=bti
        EncryptedPasswordAttr   userPassword
        AuthAttrDef             bticheckattr,GENERIC,check
        AuthAttrDef             btireplyattr,GENERIC,reply
<AuthBy LDAP2>
        Identifier              BTICheckLDAP_ns2
#       DefaultSimultaneousUse  1
        AuthDN                  cn=proxyagent,ou=people,o=bti
        AuthPassword            xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
        Debug                   255
        Host                    ns2.btinet.net
        SearchFilter            (&(btiallowedapplications=rad)(uid=%U))
        BaseDN                  ou=People,o=%R,o=bti
        EncryptedPasswordAttr   userPassword
        AuthAttrDef             bticheckattr,GENERIC,check
        AuthAttrDef             btireplyattr,GENERIC,reply
<AuthBy LDAP2>
        Identifier              BTICheckLDAP_ds1v
#       DefaultSimultaneousUse  1
        AuthDN                  cn=proxyagent,ou=people,o=bti
        AuthPassword            xxxxxxxxxxxxx
        Debug                   255
        Host                    ds1v.btinet.net
        SearchFilter            (&(btiallowedapplications=rad)(uid=%U))
        BaseDN                  ou=People,o=%R,o=bti
        EncryptedPasswordAttr   userPassword
        AuthAttrDef             bticheckattr,GENERIC,check
        AuthAttrDef             btireplyattr,GENERIC,reply

<AuthBy GROUP>
        Identifier BTIAuthUser
        AuthByPolicy ContinueWhileReject

        AuthBy BTICheckLDAP_ns2
        AuthBy BTICheckLDAP_ns1
#       AuthBy BTICheckLDAP_ds1v
        AuthBy BTICheckFILE
        AuthBy BTICheckDB

<AuthBy GROUP>
        # This AuthBy should be removed after LDAP migration.
        Identifier BTIAuthUserNoLDAP
        AuthByPolicy ContinueWhileReject

        AuthBy BTICheckFILE
        AuthBy BTICheckDB

<SessionDatabase SQL>
        Identifier SessionDB

        DBSource        dbi:Oracle:xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
        DBUsername      btiauth
        DBAuth          xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

        Timeout                 10      
        FailureBackoffTime      60

        #NOTE: queries are kept to a single line to increase readability in the log 
        AddQuery        BEGIN 

#       DeleteQuery     BEGIN radius.deleteRADOnline('%n','%c', %{NAS-Port}); END;
        DeleteQuery     BEGIN radius.deleteRADOnline('%n','%c', 0%2); END;

        ClearNasQuery   BEGIN radius.clearRADClient('%c'); END;

        CountQuery      SELECT rc.ipaddress, ro.nasport, ro.acctsessionid, 
ro.framedipaddress FROM radonline ro, radclient rc WHERE username = '%n' AND 
ro.radclient_id = rc.id
#       CountQuery      SELECT rc.nasidentifier, ro.nasport, ro.acctsessionid, 
ro.framedipaddress FROM radonline ro, radclient rc WHERE username = '%n' AND 
ro.radclient_id = rc.id

#     Handlers Section:
#     This section is what is "executed" by radius and determines
#     which of the above "sections" to call.

# This Handler may be deleted once migration to LDAP is complete
<Handler Acct-Status-Type=Stop,Realm=umary.edu>
#       The following line directly inserts accounting records into the database
#       AuthBy insertAccountingRecord
#       Create an accounting "log" file that can be directly run in batch mode.
#       This clause automatically returns an ACCEPT to the NAS for this 
#       accounting record.  This is necessary so that the NAS does not
#       keep sending accounting records.
        <AuthBy INTERNAL>
                AcctResult ACCEPT
        AcctLogFileName %L/%m-%d-%Y-acct.log
        AcctLogFileFormat       BEGIN 
 %m %Y %H:%M:%S', 'DD MM YYYY HH24:MI:SS')); END; %r/%r 


<Handler Acct-Status-Type=Stop>
#       The following line directly inserts accounting records into the database
#       AuthBy insertAccountingRecord
#       Create an accounting "log" file that can be directly run in batch mode.
#       This clause automatically returns an ACCEPT to the NAS for this
#       accounting record.  This is necessary so that the NAS does not
#       keep sending accounting records.
        <AuthBy INTERNAL>
                AcctResult ACCEPT

        AcctLogFileName %L/%m-%d-%Y-acct.log
        AcctLogFileFormat       BEGIN 
 %m %Y %H:%M:%S', 'DD MM YYYY HH24:MI:SS')); END; %r/%r


<Handler NAS-Identifier="MikroTik">
       AuthBy  BTIWireless
       AuthLog BTIAuthLoggerSQL
#       AuthLog BTIAuthLoggerFile

        # Handles all requests not handled by other handlers
        # This will eventually be the only AuthUser handler (ideally).
        # (Checks LDAP then the database).
        AuthBy  BTIAuthUser
        AuthLog BTIAuthLoggerSQL
#       AuthLog BTIAuthLoggerFile

# For Radar access:
        Username        btiRadar
        Password        li8823YY

#  Client Section:
        # If the database is unavailable, clients will not be
        # added.  Big Brother will notice this, as it connects
        # from a client listed in the database. Note, this has not
        # yet been tested. 
        DBSource        dbi:Oracle:xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
        DBUsername      btiauth
        DBAuth          xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
        GetClientQuery  SELECT \
                            IPADDRESS, \
                            SECRET, \
                            NULL, \
                            DUPINTERVAL, \
                            DEFAULTREALM, \
                            NASTYPE, \
                            SNMPCOMMUNITY \
                        FROM RADCLIENT \
                        WHERE STATUS = 'Active' \
                        ORDER BY IPADDRESS
        Timeout                 10
        FailureBackoffTime      60

<Client localhost>
  Secret mysecret
  DefaultRealm btigate.com

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