On 13.06.2016 10:27, Hartmaier Alexander wrote:

>> I also noticed that we can get the peer IP and port from accept directly
>> instead of calling getpeername(). What is done now is to check accept
>> return value for success and call getpeername() immediately after that.

> I haven't seen that change in the patches, is it already in there so  I
> can try it out?

It's in the patches now. The IP address and port of the connecting 
client are now immediately logged after access instead in addition to 
calling getpeername() just a little later. The logging currently happens 
on trace 4 (debug) level.

We also thought about further improvements for unexpectedly closed 
connections so that they can be logged and handled more easily. However, 
this is the first step before doing further changes.


Heikki Vatiainen
radiator mailing list

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