Sean Trende  &  Sodomy

Sean Trende has a new book out; he was interviewed on S-Span recently in part

to promote his opus.  During comments made during the discussion-

which was in a "panel of experts" format-   Trende made some worthwhile

observations about changes in modern American politics.  He is an ace writer

at Real Clear Politics and is smart and usually knows what he is talking about.

However, he made one simply outrageous remark that must be challenged head on

because it is as ludicrous as it is. Said Trende, to paraphrase fairly closely,

the "marriage wars are over; homosexual rights in this area and related areas

are now settled law.  The debate is over. At most there will be some skirmishes

about secondary matters and even that much will disappear no later

than about 2030."

This viewpoint is preposterous because the debate that matters has not even 

Not only that,  everything possible is being done to make damned sure that

the real debate is prevented, de facto censorship prevails, and the great 

of homosexuals and their supporters is all built on a foundation of sand.

Not that many people are aware of any such thing; most people are ridiculously

uniformed about the actual facts, just as most people are uninformed about

many other matters in public life.   But this concerns me directly inasmuch

as no-one else is making the arguments that I make concerning homosexuality.

Some qualification should be made for Dr. Paul Cameron, his views and mine

are not far apart in maybe 3/4ths of specifics when the issue is homosexuality,

but even Cameron doesn't make some of the important arguments that

are standard issue with me.  The only other "name" to cite in this context

is that of Dr Judith Reisman,  but again,  while we agree at the 75% level,

she has very different emphases than I do, and we disagree about several

matters. In any case, Cameron is routinely smeared by the press and

Reisman is almost always ignored as if she did not exist.

Needless to say, despite all the respect I have for Cameron and Reisman,

I'm most concerned about  my own status in all of this, and am not happy that

what I write on the issue is routinely ignored and, so I suspect,

is censored in everything but name.

To be sure, there is also the fact that to be understood, my material

needs to be read. Some people do read it but others do not and, instead,

claim they have done so, or give that impression, yet by what they say

clearly all they have really done is to skim things over lightly

and assume that they have "heard it all before," no point in

reading what I actually have put into words.   Which manifestly

is not "the Bible says so and if you disagree you are going to Hell,"

nor is it some kind of rehash of Freud or other traditional psychology

professionals who invariably couch their arguments in terms

of psychobabble and raw statistics.

About the Bible, by the way,  I do make use of the book in my own way,

usually to established with chapter and verse the fact that Jesus, in Matthew 

condemns sodomy and does, indeed, condemn sodomites to Hell, and to make

it clear that there are 30 references to sodomy in the Bible, not the 3 or 4 or

maybe 6, that some people say is all there is, in that way minimizing the

testimony of both the Old Testament and the New Testament, suggesting

that this supposedly minor theme is not worth the time to take seriously.

But since when is a subject that is criticized in no less than 30 passages

in the Bible "minor"?

Reference to Christ is important because, to this day, most people are 

ignorant of the fact that he did speak out against homosexuality and

regarded it  -as did the Apostle Paul-  as deserving death.

Even well meaning Christian believers simply cannot wrap their heads

around these facts. Why? I guess that they are heretics who believe

that everyone is born "good,"  that homosexuals deserve to be treated

just like normal men or women, and current popular culture norms

are equal in value to the testimony of the Bible.

My basic argument follows from the record of illnesses among homosexuals,

a population that has utterly horrific medical issues of many kinds all stemming

from homosexual sexual behavior and habitual poor hygiene,   from the close

association of homosexuality with various psychological pathologies, from

massive sexual criminality among homosexuals, who are a magnitude

more likely to be pederasts or pedophiles than the general population,

from sky high substance abuse rates, and much else along these lines,

all of which is a matter of empirical record, documented in profusion.

But I do not  -not at all-  leave out the Bible.  Which, most unfortunately,

more and more supposed "Christians" leave out because it is too inconvenient

to look up what the book says about sodomy, which is far more that

they may want to think about.  Any  excuse will do, to avoid dealing

with the issue, and, besides the Bible is irrelevant on the subject.

Actually the Bible is very relevant.  But not (or not so much) in terms

of its prohibitions and condemnations but because it gives testimony

to the wisdom in its pages.  Exactly why does the Bible condemn  homosexuality?

To say that God dislikes sodomy is not an answer.  But it is little or no 

to study the dysfunctional nature of homosexuality, there is a copious 

of the many liabilities associated with contemporary sodomy, and,

unpleasant as it may be to read this stuff, there is no alternative

if you want to claim to be informed on the subject.

There are plenty of reasons why the Bible takes a completely negative view

of sodomy;  which is to say that in all 30 verses (a few quite lengthy)

where the subject comes up, it is rejected as unfit for human consumption

-and there are no exceptions.  The point is that with a little due diligence

you can identify real world reasons for condemning homosexuality

and for not compromising in the least on the issue.

Alas, nearly all Christians that I know about who do show some backbone

and oppose sodomy are committed to being totally ineffective in their approach,

unwilling to listen to anyone who actually knows what they are talking about,

who can do no better than to argue on behalf of "religious freedom"  -as if

they can only "think" like so many libertarians, as if libertarian arguments

are all there are to  be said outside of appeal to authority.

Here's a question for you in conclusion:  Exactly why am I shut out of the 

on the issue of homosexuality?   I think I know the answer, or the best answer

when all is said. Because the minute it becomes possible for me to have access

to a public forum I would demolish each and every argument in defense

of homosexuality, in defense of homosexual rights, or in defense of

homosexual (sham) marriage.

In other words, there are no arguments that can prevail against my arguments,

Which proves my point:  All the successes of homosexuals in the years since 1973

are travesties, worthless, and are supported by nothing substantive at all.

The consensus on the issue which is touted by people who are part of the 

is garbage, so much  crap, and deserves to be totally repudiated.

Try to defeat my arguments; you  can't.

The best that can be done is to censor me, to shut me up by means

of denial of a public forum.  Which , you don't need to guess,

displeases me considerably and makes me all the more determined

to carry on and speak out as best I can.  And, O yes, when I finally do prevail

you can bet that I will take full revenge on everyone who has stood in my way

these past years, I intend to ruin reputations and careers from

one end of the country to the other, and I do not care

what anyone's politics may be, I detest both the Left and the Right

approximately equally.

In case you would like to know why I persist....

Billy Rojas

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