
After sending that criticism of Google a thought hit me. Namely:

It might be very useful to include a section of the proposed site that features

reviews of current  -or at least recent-  articles critical of homosexuals or 

Not the complete articles, but short reviews with a few well chosen quotes

that, in total, give a pretty clear picture of what recent writings actually say

and that make it obvious that these criticisms are not only relevant

but essential to take into consideration in today's debates on the issue.

Not many people are even aware that there are such articles; homosexual 

and pro-homosexual commentary in the press and on TV give the almost universal

impression that the issue has been settled once and for all in favor of

homosexual interests.  This view happens to be close to 180 degrees from the 

Keep in mind, Ernie, that I operate on the assumption, an "assumption" that is

based on years of hard won experience, to the effect that on some issues,

homosexuality most conspicuously, just about all "conventional wisdom"

is flat out wrong.

My case, while it certainly is consistent with the Bible, while it is at least 

inspired by the Bible, is not a typical Christian screed.  Mostly my case

is evidentiary and rests on decades of serious scholarly research.

Which is why I take the view that just about anything said by "officials" on 

issue consists of pure horse crap.  The same goes for members of the judiciary,

including  Justices of the Supreme Court.  That is, on this issue, they are

ignorant and simply do not know what in hell they are talking about.

My overall approach, call it a strategy if you want to,  is to condemn my 

where they have the least defenses, the question of knowledge  vs ignorance.

They think they are well-informed and anything but ignorant.  What my book

demonstrates is that they are hopelessly uninformed and utterly ignorant.

Does this help make things clear?


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