
I agree with you completely that the Church should not be involved in physical 

I make an exception for the historic past, the Crusades anyway, because, in 
that case,

like it or not, the Church had considerable secular power and, in reality,

the Holy Land was overrun by Muslim armies and posed a threat

to all of Christendom if left unchecked.  And shrines like the Church

of the Holy Sepulcher had recently been destroyed by Muslims.

But that was then, this is now. In our era we should do everything possible so 
that the Church

is not dragged into physical war. However, a war of ideas is a very different 

The passage in Revelation is important also because it gives us a picture of 
Jesus that

shows, as clearly as anyone could want, that Christian faith is not all peace 
and harmony

and prayerful walks through flower gardens.  Sometimes you've gotta fight like 
hell, so to speak.

Maybe the "fighting" isn't with guns or rockets but with words and media and 

and radio broadcasts and TV and books, etc.,  but it still is a fight.

Could be physical in exceptional circumstances, tho.'

Like the Christians who volunteered to fight  -with guns and bombs-  against 
the Islamic State

a few years ago.  At that time the official forces of Iraq, etc, were incapable 
of doing much

to prevent the slaughter of Christians (and others) at the hands of violent 
Muslim loonies,

so, other Christians from all over the map, formed militias to defend fellow 

(and others) from the Muslim criminals.

Its  "High Noon" morality.  If the bad guys are about to take over the town

and wreck the community through violence and crime, and if you  have a gun

and know how to use it, it is your responsibility to do so. No-one else

will do it for you and if you don't act there will be a bloodbath.

I much (MUCH) prefer non-violence and think that non-violent  means

should always be our first preference.  But the days when I was convinced

that non-violence is always possible are over.  That view just isn't true.

Sometimes the choice is fight or die, simple as that.  Worse, if you don't

fight  -physically-  your inaction may result in the deaths of others,

or result in rapes of wives and mothers and daughters, may result in looting

of priceless treasures of a community's heritage, and so forth.  Not to mention

what kind of reaction you would get from others  - wife, friends, your kids-

if you did not fight while your buddies did fight and they saved the community

from destruction. You would lose all respect.

Sure, an exception for a medic who puts his life on the line, but in a fight

what counts the most is actually fighting. If the fight is lost then all the 

in the world don't matter very much.

All of this said, what we most need is a theology for a Holy War  -of Ideas.


From: Centroids <>
Sent: Monday, February 4, 2019 10:55 AM
Cc: Billy Rojas
Subject: Re: [RC] Christ " judges and makes war" - Jesus as warrior


Jesus is the only one who can truly make holy war.

When we try to do it on his behalf — however justified at the start — it always 
ends badly. Can you think of any counter-examples?

I totally accept the necessity for governments to pursue respectful just war, 
like Lincoln and Nimitz. I just don’t trust the church to do it.


Sent from my iPhone

On Feb 4, 2019, at 10:13, Billy Rojas 
<<>> wrote:

from the site: "Got Questions?"

Question: "Why is Jesus going to return on a white horse?"

Answer: In his vision of judgment upon the wicked, the apostle John tells us 
that Jesus is returning on a white horse: “Then I saw heaven opened, and 
behold, a white horse! The one sitting on it is called Faithful and True, and 
in righteousness he judges and makes war” (Revelation 
19:11<>; see Psalm 
45<>). Most Bible scholars are of the 
opinion that this passage is not referring to the Rapture, but rather to Jesus’ 
coming to earth with His saints at the end of the Tribulation.

The horse’s white color represents purity or victory (cf. Revelation 
7:14-15<>), for this rider is holy 
and goes forth to be the triumphant conqueror. During ancient times, victorious 
Roman generals entered their conquered cities in chariots drawn by white 
horses. The entire setting of this verse implies victory over Christ’s enemies. 
As such, the word white indicates triumph, a successful war.

What a vivid contrast we see in Jesus’ return with all His angels (Matthew 
25:31<>), as compared to His entry to 
Jerusalem upon a donkey (Matthew 
21:7-9<>)! He is no longer riding a 
humble donkey. Jesus will return on a fiery white charger, bringing judgment, 
just as He had promised (Matthew 

Also by way of contrast, when He was on earth, Jesus was abandoned by His 
followers (Mark 14:50<>). Revelation 
19<> reveals the armies of heaven 
following Him in conquest. He is not returning to speak “gracious words” (Luke 
4:22<>) but the words of righteous 
judgment (Isaiah 11:4<>). Jesus comes to 
rule with a rod of iron (Psalm 2:9<>). He 
is the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords (Revelation 
17:14<>; Revelation 

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