iPhone;463894 Wrote: 
> Hello and welcome to the Forum.
> Just exactly how would the Forum answer this question? How would
> Logitech answer this question? The unit has been released by Logitech
> and just needs to work its way down the distribution chain. I can't
> answer this question either but I can tell you how it probably works.
> One makes a pre-order. The order goes into a queue. Amazon will receive
> inventory from Logitech's distribution chain. They will bill the credit
> cards in the pre-order queue and ship out Squeezebox Radios.
> So as a partial answer it depends on when Amazon receives its stock and
> where ones pre-order is in the queue and how far away one lives from
> where they ship from. So I will take a SWAG that one might get it in the
> next two weeks.
> On a side note, one should have ordered from Logitech because they are
> going to ship first and they usually give some sort of free speedy
> shipping on pre-orders.

Actually according to this thread
http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=68123&page=4 Amazon
should get it today or tomorrow. 

Technically the way it should work is that the unit should be available
on its release date everywhere. 

I would have ordered from logitech except Amazon had free shipping so I
opted for that.

vw195's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=32644
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=68666

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