I just ordered a radio, and I'm a little confused as to how alarms
interact between the radio and squeezebox server and mysqueezebox.com.

I need to be able to set an alarm, and have it be effective regardless
of which source the radio is connected to at alarm time. It would also
be nice if I could set the alarm anywhere (radio, SS, or MSB). For
example if I go to sleep listening to local music on squeezebox server,
but the alarm was set in the mysqueezebox.com web interface, the alarm
should still fire. Do I have to do anything special to have this happen?

I understand how the backup alarms (no connectivity) work, so don't
need any clarification there?

Also, I know this is a more general question about how alarms function,
than a specific radio question. If you're aware of posts or articles
that already exist which explain this functionality, please point me
that way. I tried a few searches, and looked at wiki.slimdevices.com,
and didn't find any information on this.


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