JJZolx;469582 Wrote: 
> Good observations.  I don't think I've seen anyone mention yet that the
> buttons aren't backlit.  It's definitely a step backward in usability
> from the Boom.
> The navigation of long lists can indeed be choppy.  Compare navigating
> albums vs. navigating artists.  The album navigation is hampered by the
> insistence on displaying the tiny artwork images, which each must be
> scaled to size.  There have been a lot of requests for an option to
> suppress all artwork, both for speed and to maximize the area available
> for text.
> The required SqueezeNetwork registration is an unfortunate development
> that also plagues the Squeezebox Touch setup.  Hopefully, if users are
> vocal enough about it then it might go away.

It also plagues the duet if you use 7.4 , the controller also use use
this square peg trough round hole approach for us experienced users ,
with an existing setup :/ It is worse you can no longer set up an
completely local system somewhere in the process an internet link to SN
is needed.



No it can NOT be controlled with iTunes....
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