Hi All,
I've had my new Radio for a few days now, and I really, really like it
as a bedside streaming device. However one of the main pieces of
functionality I purchased the radio for was for it's alarm clock
functionality, which I feel is very complicated and lacking in
functionality. I've found a few bugs that have already been reported,
and have added one or two of my own. If these are issues that you care
about, please look at and vote, or comment on these bugs. Here are the
issues that are bugging me the most.

1-Next set alarm time doesn't display on the clock. I can see that an
alarm is set, but have to go a couple of menu levels deep to actually
see what time the alarm is set for. This is reported as Bug 14708, and
you can vote or comment on this bug at:

2-I don't use snooze. When my alarm fires, I press the power button to
stop the alarm. However, this leaves the alarm menu showing the next
time I power the radio on, and in some cases will continue to play the
alarm sound. This is reported as Bug 14702 and you can vote or comment
on this bug at: https://bugs.slimdevices.com/show_bug.cgi?id=14702

3-It should be easy to get to the alarm menu. The alarm button on the
front panel is handy, but it doesn't function unless you power on the
radio first. I entered Bug 14715 requesting that the alarm button
functions regardless of the power on state. The preset buttons do this,
so I believe it should be possible. You can vote or comment on this bug
at https://bugs.slimdevices.com/show_bug.cgi?id=14715

4-I'd like to be able to label alarms instead of having them just
called Alarm 1, Alarm 2, etc. I entered an enhancement request as Bug
14716 requesting this functionality. You can vote or comment on this bug
at https://bugs.slimdevices.com/show_bug.cgi?id=14716

I'm sure there is stuff I missed, but if these things were in place, I
think the Radio's alarm functionality would be a lot better.


gdpeck's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=4686
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=69630

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