cecilialuna;474160 Wrote: 
> Ok, is it just my SB radio, or it standard...the volume is really low. I
> know it's not a boombox, but still, in order for me to really hear it on
> the other side of the room, the volume has to be 50 or above.
> Is this a problem for anyone else?

I think it's a deliberate design decision, so if you're using it on
your nightstand late at night, you can turn it really low and have it
not be too loud. I haven't seen any numbers from Logitech (and don't
have a SPL meter myself), but Boom's lowest volume is about 24 dB
quieter than Classic & Receiver for just this reason. As long as it's
loud enough in the 50-100 range, is this really a problem?


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