peterw;483491 Wrote: 
> Good point. For this, I think a popup with a big 1-6 number would
> suffice, don't you? SBS/MySB could then start playback or push a popup
> saying the preset was undefined.

I can see the use of large format numerals from the standpoint that
there are plugins, etc, that will treat the buttons as something other
than "presets".  For example, mapping one of the buttons to cycle
through sleep timer intervals on the device (I actually think that
turning the main knob left would be perfect for this purpose, then turn
the knob right to change the now playing screen).

However it is done, the radio should *immediately* communicate to the
user that it knows a preset button has been selected, then followed by
additional logic that tells the user that some activity is happening, or
the name of the preset as stored server side, etc.

As it is now it is too slow and has too poor of a user interaction to
be completely reliable.  As mentioned earlier, I select a preset button
for a playlist file and it is quite a few seconds before anything
happens on screen or audibly.

I could even the introduction of a "hold music" stream that streams to
the box before the actual audio starts playing.  Sounds kinda retro, and
most people probably would hate it!  ;)

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