OppfinnarJocke;581460 Wrote: 
> Are all of us who have this problem of stuck artwork in Europe?
> And does it only happen with MySB?
> I'm starting to believe it's really a MySB problem, something with the
> connection to MySB not working correctly. And it is known that there is
> a capacity problem with the European MySB server. Maybe, just maybe,
> there is a hint there to find and fix the problem...

Happens to my Radio as well on the US east MySB.

It is very random for me.  
Sometimes I can change to ten different stations and the screen
properly updates, other times the screen will only display the one
station no matter how many different stations I try.
Sometimes pressing FFWD corrects the wrong station info, other times
FFWD does not correct it.  Often only a complete Radio reboot corrects
it.  :(

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