pippin wrote: 
> Hm, anything really official should be allowed to get published or it's
> not really "official". Maybe I should have said "an official
> announcement" or something.
> Wasn't there one when the Squeezeboxes were discontinued?
As far as I remember there was only the unofficial post in this forum
(which might not have been authorised by Logitech management):

And officially there was just the the UE Smart Radio announcement:

And a bit later they also officially posted the open letter to
Squeezebox fans:

However, if they have removed the UE Smart Radio devices from the stores
it's pretty official in my mind, I can remember any time they have done
that in the past where  it hasn't meant that they were about to stop
selling the product officially. Just face it, these kind of decisions is
not something Logitech are good at communicating with there customers,
they probably want to be sure someone still buys the UE Smart Radio
devices they have left in the stores. In theory it could also mean that
they are about to announce a UE Smart Radio 2, but personally I doubt
that's the case.

It will be interesting to see how they will handle uesmartradio.com.
Since they still have devices under warranty, I would suspect that they
need to keep something running, but theoretically they can just
downgrade all UE Smart Radio users to Squeezebox Radio and make them use
mysqueezebox.com instead and avoid the need to run two set of central
servers. Of course, doing that would be kind of admitting that the whole
UE Smart Radio product was a mistake and I wonder if the management
really is prepared to do that.

Erland Isaksson ('My homepage' (http://erland.isaksson.info))
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