mherger wrote: 
> Am 26.04.18 um 04:38 schrieb acsb:
> > Problem:
> > The Squeezebox Radio had a white wireless icon but had lost its
> > favorites, most menus I can only a couple of levels deep, and I am
> > unable to control it from
> Are you still seeing this issue?
> -- 
> Michael

I know you are asking someone else but I wanted to confirm that my two
radios are working great again today and that I sincerely appreciate
your help.  Are you a Logitech employee or independent like us? 

What is the difference between the seeing the red antenna icon when
connected to the local WIFI and seeing the white antenna icon when
connected? I did not study the symptoms but it would be useful to know
so we can diagnose better in the  future. 

Any insight on why after the red icon, you got the radios working for
one day then on day two we got the white icon and they were not working
again? What happened?  I really would like to get it documented so that
if you move on in 10 years and our radios stop working, we can point to
the this blog.

Thank you again!!!!

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