bpa wrote: 
> The playable URL from the web site is
> https://fg-live.ercdn.net/tdvidstream_720p.m3u8
> This is a HLS URL with two streams - audio & video.  
> For some reason it seems to be not playable using the PlayHLS - I'll
> need to look at the stream in more detail to fix this.
> Strange thing, I get audio (with crackles) & video in browser but I get
> no audio with either VLC or ffplay - so it is an unusual HLS stream

I investigated this m3u8 URL a bit more and why was audio missing- it
turns out it is just video stream.  The audio on browser is provided by
a different URL https://sc.vargonen.net:5001/;stream.mp3

Do NOT try to play this URL in LMS - I have tried a few times and LMS
seems to get messed up - not sure why but possibly the semicolon is
causing problem with a parser somewhere or maybe port number.

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