A couple of days ago the navigation dial on my SB Radio wouldn't click,
it was as if it was jammed some how.  i could still rotate the dial but
I couldn't push the dial in.  So I figured I would just install a new
rotary encoder.  I found one on ebay that had the same number of detents
(20) https://www.ebay.com/itm/255049249831 and was the same size so I
went ahead and replaced it.  Well it doesn't work, the dial now
physically clicks but nothing happens.  When I rotate the dial it
doesn't vertically scroll through the pages instead it scrolls
horizontally.  So I was wondering if anyone has any information on the
rotary encoder that is used.  Since there's no identifying features,
i.e. model number, manufacturer, etc... on it I wasn't able to find it
online.  I found the thread which discussed replacing the volume encoder
but nothing about the navigation encoder.  An interesting observation is
that on the three pins of the SB Radio encoder the first two, from left
to right are connected.  With the replacement encoder that's not the
case.  So I looked online at numerous encoders and they all seem to show
that the common is the center pin and that the other two are separate
channel A and channel B.  If that's the case, I guess not all encoders
are the same.  Is there a workaround for this or anyone have any ideas
on where I could find a replacement?  Thanks!

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