ralphy wrote: 
> The radio, touch and controller reset/reboot/crash every 24 days.  It's
> a know issue and discussed at length in various threads on the forum,
> unfortunately there's no simple fix.
> Calling home is baked into the firmware it's not something that was
> added to the community firmware.

And I guess it's not simple to remove that. I just wonder what happens
when does url are not available anymore. I mean I have seen it now, but
that would make it not fun anymore to use it.
I don't think mine reboots so often, but now I will keep an eye on that

slartibartfast wrote: 
> Hmm how much memory is free after a reboot of your radio? I just checked
> one of mine and memory used was 50%. After a reboot it was 38%.
> Sent from my Pixel 3a using Tapatalk

Just after a reboot, when it comes back on and starts playing again, I
have seen up to 20% free memory left. But I need to say, that my players
are all synced. Not sure that makes a difference.

Also I thought, that everything would come from the server, which is not
true as I figured out now. After disable the firewall rule, the artwork
is back on the screen. That would tell me, it comes from the internet
direct and not from the server.

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