Anyone looking for a good Linux laptop should consider:

I'm very happy with it. It's something like MacBook Pro specs, in a size
that's a bit closer to MacBook Air.

On Thu, Aug 28, 2014 at 6:47 AM, Duncan Bayne <> wrote:

> I've begun learning RoR but want to know what operating system to continue
>> with that is most in demand in the market? To date I've done most of my
>> development on Windows (which dual boots to Linux which I've not really
>> used). I am considering buying a new Mac for development but wondering
>> whether I ought to be doing my RoR on Linux? Or does it not really matter?
> I've done both - several years of Ruby and RoR dev on both Linux and OSX,
> and I can say hand-on-heart that I've experienced much less pain on Linux
> than on OSX.
> It's much easier to fully script your setup, so that you can go from a
> vanilla installation to 'all the things installed' with little to no manual
> intervention.
> Hardware support is much broader - with OSX you're stuck with Apple
> hardware which, while nice in some ways, lacks the hacker nature (batteries
> glued in, non-upgradable hardware, mirror-like glossy screens ... they need
> to hire Woz back).
> Plus Linux is (mostly or entirely, depending upon which drivers you're
> using) hackable, whereas more and more of OSX is proprietary &
> closed-source.  The more you have access to, the more you can learn and
> fix.  Re. my "there's no such thing as magic" talk of a couple of months
> ago ... I imagine Apple as having large "NO WIZARDRY ALLOWED" stickers on
> their stuff.
> If I were you, I'd get a high-end Lenovo (great keyboards, matte screens
> that can be used in less than perfect ambient light levels, removable
> batteries) and chuck a copy of Linux Mint on it.  I maintain some (rough,
> hacky) scripts for setting up a Mint-based dev environment here:
> If you have any questions I'm happy to help.
> --
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