most likely it's having a problem recognizing your prompt. That's a pretty 
complex one and embedded spaces are bound to complicate things.

Sent from my android device.

-----Original Message-----
From: Kevin Geil <>
To: "" <>
Sent: Thu, 01 Mar 2018 16:06
Subject: [rancid] Sonicwall: clogin sends password after first login?

Hi, I hope someone can point me in the right direction here:  I'm trying to 
monitor a sonicwall device with Rancid, and am having a hiccup at the first 
step.   I can get clogin to authenticate to the device, but it immediately 
sends the password a second time after login, so the sonicwall sees it as a 
command, and returns an error.  I'm guessing it's my lack of understanding of 
Clogin, but after reading documentation, I still can't figure it out.  Thanks 
in advance to anyone who can help. I have tried adding a timeout value, and 
playing with the -noenable option, but to no avail.

Thanks again,


My .cloginrc file looks like this:

add noenable sonic {1}
add method sonic ssh
add cyphertype sonic aes128-ctr
add user sonic ReadOnlyAdmin
add password sonic {mypassword}

And the output looks like this:
root@ubuntu:/var/lib/rancid/bin# ./clogin -f /var/lib/rancid/.cloginrc 
-noenable sonic

ReadOnlyAdmin@sonic's password:

Copyright (c) 2016 Dell | SonicWALL, Inc.
Using username 'ReadOnlyAdmin'.
ReadOnlyAdmin@MY NSA4600_Primary> mypassword
% Error encountered at '^' marker:
% Error: No matching command found.
ReadOnlyAdmin@MY NSA4600_Primary>

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