Thank you for the advice, which got me on the right track.  I think those 
commands probably would have worked as-is, but my ideal state was having 
RANCID's local git workspace wire directly back to my git server *only* and not 
also push to the local ($CVSROOT) git repo.

So my steps were the following, picking up after the "sudo -H -u rancid 
/mnt/rancid/rancid/bin/rancid-cvs" command:

1) Create new empty 'rancid-<group>' repository on my (external) master git 
server (Atlassian Bitbucket, in my case).

2) Create 'rancid' user on my master git server, and give it read/write 
permission to the new repo.

3) Store 'rancid' user git credentials on my RANCID server, which requires a 
temporary clone that is then immediately deleted.

sudo -H -u rancid git config --global "rancid"
sudo -H -u rancid git config --global "rancid@<mydomain>"
sudo -H -u rancid git config --global credential.helper store
sudo -H -u rancid git clone 
(enter 'rancid' user passwords when prompted)
sudo -H -u rancid rm -rf rancid-all

4) Re-wire RANCID's git workspace to the master git server, instead of its 
local git server/repo.  Uses my particular RANCID installation path and group 
name ("all").

cd /mnt/rancid/rancid/var/all
sudo -H -u rancid git remote set-url origin 
sudo -H -u rancid git push -u origin --all
sudo -H -u rancid git push origin --tags

At this point, I made a change to a network device, waited for my next cron 
execution of rancid-run, and then observed the changes in my master git repo, 
so I believe it was all working well.


Ryan Melville

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