Have you tried foundry?

On Wed, Sep 5, 2018 at 7:37 AM, Vivien FRENOT <v.fre...@pixid.fr> wrote:

> Hello,
> We are deploying Rancid to backup the configuration of our switches, but
> I’m having issues with Brocade 6510. I’ve seen in ‘rancid.types.base’ a
> Brocad entry that may do the job, but, there’s no module for it.
> # Brocade
> #XXX brocade;script;rancid -t brocade
> brocade;login;brlogin
> #XXX brocade;module; XXX
> #XXX brocade;inloop; XXX
> #XXX brocade;command;XXX::ChassisShow;chassisShow
> #XXX brocade;command;XXX::FirmwareShow;firmwareShow
> #XXX brocade;command;XXX::FirmwareShow;version
> #XXX brocade;command;XXX::FirmwareShow;zoneshow
> #XXX brocade;command;XXX::FirmwareShow;portcfgshow
> #XXX brocade;command;XXX::Fosconfig;fosConfig --show
> #XXX brocade;command;XXX::IpAddrShow;ipAddrShow
> #XXX brocade;command;XXX::LicenseShow;licenseShow
> #XXX brocade;command;XXX::DomainsShow;domainsShow
> #XXX brocade;command;XXX::ConfigShow;configShow
> #
> There was a discussion started in 2015 about it (http://www.shrubbery.net/
> pipermail/rancid-discuss/2015-May/008408.html) but no one seems to
> actually answerd this.
> Any Ideas ?
> Regards, Vivien
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