Wed, Sep 26, 2018 at 03:36:26PM +0200, Ilo Lorusso:
> Hi
> i'm in the process of adding a collection of new routers to the list
> of devices to be backup up by rancid
> I have it working perfectly with devices like standard cisco switches
> routers and some cisco nexus switches..
> these routers a running cisco IOS-XE and when I test if clogin works
> it gets stuck at the password prompt
> below is the debug output from clogin for one of the devices which is
> not working and from one that is..
> i'm running rancid version 3.7and have configured this new device as
> follows in the database file.
> router1-mns-za-jhb-prod-cpe1;cisco;up
> any idea why its timing out ?
> IOS-XE clogin debug output
> ======================

you trimmed too much.  but, i suspect you need to read the caveats and
following sections of clogin(1).

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