Hi, I'm trying to get RANCID to poll my ubiquiti edge switches, and am a bit 
perplexed.  From what I've found online in other mailing lists, it is possible 
to use RANCID to poll these, using the edgemax script. So far, I've set up the 
router.db with <device-type> edgemax.  When I invoke rancid-run, nothing much 
happens, and when I look in the log, I see:
Getting missed routers: round 2.
myEdgeSwitch: End of run not found

So far, I have tried adding my own device type by copying the "EdgeMax" device 
config in rancid.types.base to rancid.types.conf, and calling it EdgeSwitch 
(which is the right thing to do right? Despite the dire warnings at the top of 
each file, it's not entirely clear how to do this, as they both warn against 
editing the file).  I tried to use ulogin instead of clogin, with the same 
I can successfully  authenticate to the switches by using both clogin and 

What is now really confusing is that I don't know what script RANCID should be 
running.  In rancid.types.base, the edgemax config looks like this:

edgemax;script;rancid -t edgemax
...more commands...

What confuses me is that there isn't a script in the bin directory called 
edgemax, so I'm not sure what script it should be running.  There IS a file in 
lib/rancid called edgemax.pm, but that doesn't get referenced by the config in 

If someone could help clarify

1. What "end of run not found" means to me, and
2. What script the edgemax config should be running, I might be able to figure 
this all out.

Thank you.

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