
I've attempted to login via fxrancid, but I'm not entirely sure where it's 
failing.  Here is the debug when trying to run one command with fxrancid -d 

> spawn id exp0 sent <show model\r>
spawn id exp5 sent <show>
showspawn id exp5 sent < model>
modelspawn id exp5 sent <\r\n>

spawn id exp5 sent <Cisco Firepower 2130 Threat Defense\r\n>
Cisco Firepower 2130 Threat Defense
spawn id exp5 sent <\r\n>

spawn id exp5 sent <> >

And here it fails when trying to run the same command but with a command 
fxlogin -d -c 'show model' <device_name>

expect: does "> " (spawn_id exp5) match glob pattern "Login failed"? no
"% (Bad passwords|Authentication failed)"? (No Gate, RE only) gate=yes re=no
"Press any key to continue"? no
"Enter Selection: "? Gate "Enter Selection: "? gate=no
"Press the <tab> key [^\r\n]+[\r\n]+"? Gate "Press the <tab> key *"? gate=no
"@[^\r\n]+ ([Pp]assword|passwd|Enter password for [^ :]+):"? (No Gate, RE only) 
gate=yes re=no
"Enter passphrase.*: "? Gate "Enter passphrase*: "? gate=no
"([Uu]sername|Login|login|user name|User):"? (No Gate, RE only) gate=yes re=no
"([Pp]assword|passwd|Enter password for [^ :]+):"? (No Gate, RE only) gate=yes 
"^([^ >]*)(>|#)"? (No Gate, RE only) gate=yes re=yes
expect: set expect_out(0,string) ">"
expect: set expect_out(1,string) ""
expect: set expect_out(2,string) ">"
expect: set expect_out(spawn_id) "exp5"
expect: set expect_out(buffer) ">"
send: sending "show model\r" to { exp5 }
invalid command name "^-"
    while executing
    invoked from within
"expect {
            -re "\b+"                           { exp_continue }
            -re "^\[^\n\r *]*$reprompt"         { send_user -- 
            -re "^\[^\n\r]*$reprom..."
    (procedure "run_commands" line 36)
    invoked from within
"run_commands $prompt $command"
    ("foreach" body line 206)
    invoked from within
"foreach router [lrange $argv $i end] {
    set router [string tolower $router]
    # attempt at platform switching.
    set platform ""
    send_user ..."
    (file "/usr/local/rancid/bin/fxlogin" line 870)



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