Assalamu'alaikum Wr..Wb
     semoga bermamfaat 
~ * ~  * ~ * ~ LITTLE TEDDY STODDARD ~ * ~ * ~ * ~
>  There is a story many years ago of an elementary
teacher. Her name
>   was Mrs. Thompson. As she stood in front of her
5th grade class on
>   the very first day of school, she told the
children a lie.
>=====    Beberapa tahun lalu ada kisah seorang guru
SD yang bernama
>        Ibu Thompson. Dihari pertama saat ia berdiri
didepan kelas 5 di-
>        sekolahnya, ia berbohong pada anak2.
>  Like most teachers, she looked at her students and
said that she loved
>  them all the same. But that was impossible, because
there in the front
>  row, slumped in his seat, was a little boy named
Teddy Stoddard.
>=====     Seperti guru2 pada umumnya, ia melihat para
muridnya dan
>        berkata betapa ia sama2 mengasihi semuanya.
Tetapi itu mustahil,
>        karena dibaris terdepan, duduk agak lunglai,
ada seorang anak
>        laki2 kecil bernama Teddy Stoddard.
>  Mrs.Thompson had watched Teddy the year before and
noticed that
>  he didn't play well with the other children, that
his clothes were messy
>  and that he constantly needed a bath.
>=====    Ibu Thompson telah mengawasi Teddy tahun
sebelumnya dan
>        memperhatikan bahwa ia kurang bisa bermain
dengan anak2 lainnya,
>        juga bahwa pakaiannya serba semrawut dan
seakan terus menerus
>        dekil, tiap kali masih butuh mandi.
>  And Teddy could be unpleasant! It got to the point
where Mrs.Thompson
>  would actually take delight in marking his papers
with a broad red pen,
>  making bold X's and then putting a big "F" at the
top of his papers.
>=====    Dan Teddypun juga bisa amat menjengkelkan!
Pernahlah tercapai
>        puncaknya, saat Ibu Thompson ini sampai2 bisa
merasa senang dan
>        puas, mencoreti kertas karya2 belajarnya
dengan pena merah yang
>        lebar, membuat tanda2 X tebal lalu memberi
nilai "F"
>        diatas kertas2 itu.
>  At the school where Mrs. Thompson taught, she was
required to review
>  each child's past records and she put Teddy's off
until last.
>=====    Disekolah dimana Ibu Thompson ini mengajar,
ia diharuskan me-
>        meriksa ulang semua catatan masa lalu tiap
murid dan punya si
>        ini ia tunda sampai terakhir.
>  However,when she reviewed his file, she was in for
a surprise:
>=====    Namun, saat mulai mempelajari berkasnya, dia
jadi kaget, terkejut:
>  Teddy's first grade teacher wrote, "Teddy is a
bright child with a ready
>  laugh. He does his work neatly and has good
manners... he is a joy to be
>  around."
>=====     Guru kelas satu Teddy menulis, "Teddy
seorang anak cerdas dan
>        mudah tertawa. Tugas2nya ia kerjakan dengan
rapi, penuh sopan dan 
>        santun. Ia menghadirkan kegembiraan
di-tengah2 kita."
>  His second grade teacher wrote, "Teddy is an
excellent student, well
>  liked by his classmates, but he is troubled because
his mother has a
>  terminal illness and life at home must be a
>=====    Guru kelas dua nya mencatat, "Teddy murid
yang luar biasa, sangat
>        disenangi oleh rekan2 sekelasnya, tapi ia
amat terganggu sebab
>        ibunya menghadapi sakit fatal dan hidupnya
dirumah jadi sulit."
>  His third grade teacher wrote, "His mother's death
has been hard on him.
>  He tries to do his best but his father doesn't show
much interest and his
>  home life will soon affect him if some steps aren't
>=====    Guru kelas tiganya menulis, "Kematian ibunya
begitu berat baginya.
>        Ia berjuang sebaik mungkin tapi ayahnya
kurang memberi perhatian
>        kehidupan dirumahnya akan segera berdampak
padanya bila tak diambil
>        langkah2/tindakan2.
>   Teddy's fourth grade teacher wrote,"Teddy is
withdrawn and doesn't
>    show much interest in school. He doesn't have
many friends and
>    sleeps in class."
>=====    Ada catatan guru kelas empat Teddy, "Teddy
menarik diri dan kurang
>        bergairah disekolah. Ia tak punya banyak
teman, terkadang juga
>        dikelas."
>  By now, Mrs. Thompson realized the problem and she
was ashamed of
>  She felt even worse when her students brought her
Christmas presents, all
>  wrapped in beautiful ribbons and bright paper,
except for Teddy's.
>=====    Saat inilah Ibu Thompson baru sadar dan
mengerti problemnya dan ia
>        menjadi malu pada dirinya sendiri. Ia tambah
merasa amat bersalah
>        sekali waktu murid2 membawakan hadiah Natal,
terbungkus begitu
>indah         dengan kertas dan pita2 warna warni,
kecuali yang punya si
>  His present which was clumsily wrapped in the
heavy, brown paper that he
>  got from a grocery bag.
>=====    Hadiah Natalnya terbungkus asal2an memakai
kertas coklat kasar
>        bekas sembarang kantung kertas toko meracang.
>  Mrs. Thompson took pains to open it in the middle
of the other presents.
>  Some of the children started to laugh when she
found a rhinestone
>  with some of the stones missing, and a bottle that
was one quarter full
>  perfume.
>=====    Bagi Ibu Thompson sangat pilu dan pedih
membuka hadiah itu di-
>        tengah2 hadiah2 lainnya.  Beberapa murid2
bahkan mulai tertawa saat
>        ia menemukan sebuah kalung batu2 alam yang
ternyata tidak lengkap,
>        dan sebuah botol berisi minyak wangi tapi
cuma tinggal seperempat.
>  But she stifled the children's laughter when she
exclaimed how pretty the
>  bracelet was, putting it on, and dabbing some of
the perfume on her
>=====    Tapi ejekan anak2 gaduh itu berhasil ia
redakan saat ia langsung 
>       memuji kecantikan kalung itu, lalu ia pakai
sekali, juga ia
>        sedikit minyak wangi itu pada pergelangan
>  Teddy Stoddard stayed after school that day just
long enough to say,
>  "Mrs. Thompson, today you smelled just like my Mom
used to."
>=====    Siang itu si Teddy Stoddard - seusai sekolah
- tinggal lamaan
>        sedikit hanya untuk mengatakan padanya, " Ibu
Thompson, waduhh...,
>        hari ini ibu begitu wangi seperti ibuku
dulu....... "
>  After the children left she cried for at least an
hour. On that very day,
>  she quit teaching reading, and writing, and
arithmetic. Instead, she
>  to teach children.
>=====    Setelah semua anak2 pulang ia menangis
sedikitnya satu jam. Pada
>        hari itu juga, ia berhenti mengajar membaca,
dan menulis, dan mate-
>        matika. Sebaliknya ia mulai mendidik.
>  Mrs. Thompson paid particular attention to Teddy.
As she worked with him,
>  his mind seemed to come alive. The more she
encouraged him, the faster he
>  responded. By the end of the year, Teddy had become
one of the smartest
>  children in the class and, despite her lie that
she'd love all the
>  the same, Teddy became one of her "teacher's pets."
>=====    Ibu Thompson secara khusus memperhatikan
Teddy. Begitu ia pusat-
>        kan diri padanya, otak dan pikirannya seakan
mulai hidup. Makin ia
>        nyemangatinya, makin cepat pula tanggapannya.
Pada akhir tahun, Teddy
>        telah menjadi salah satu murid2 terpandai
dikelasnya, jadi biarpun
>        pernah berbohong bahwa ia akan mencintai
semua anak2 secara rata,
>        Teddy ternyata akhirnya juga menjadi salah
satu kesayangan gurunya.
>  A year later, she found a note under her door from
Teddy, telling her
>  that she was still the best teacher he ever had in
his whole life.
>=====    Setahun kemudian, ia temukan sebuah catatan
pendek dari Teddy,
>        mengatakan bahwa dia masih tetap guru terbaik
seumur hidupnya.
>  Six years went by before she got another note from
Teddy. He then wrote
>  that he had finished high school, third in his
class, and she was still
>the  best teacher he ever had in his whole life.
>=====    Setelah lewat enam tahun dia menerima lagi
sebuah catatan pendek,
>        Teddy menulis is sudah menyelesaikan SMA,
termasuk ranking tiga di-
>        kelasnya, dan bahwa dia masih tetap guru
terbaik seumur hidupnya.
>  Four years after that, she got another letter,
saying that while things
>  had been tough at times, he'd stayed in school, had
stuck with it, and
>  would soon graduate from college with the highest
of honors.
>=====    Empat tahun setelah itu, ia menerima sepucuk
surat lagi,
>        kan bahwa biarpun keadaan terkadang sulit
juga, tapi ia tetap masih
>        sekolah, pasti akan tetap bertahan, dan
sebentar lagi akan lulus
>        bahkan dengan angka2 yang terbaik .
>  He assured Mrs.Thompson that she was still the best
and favorite teacher
>  he ever had in his whole life.
>=====    Ia menegaskan Ibu Thompson ini sekali lagi
bahwa ia masih tetap
>        guru tersayang dan terbaik sepanjang
>  Then four more years passed and yet another letter
came. This time he
>  explained that after he got his bachelor's degree,
he decided to go a
>  little further. The letter explained that she was
still the best and the
>  favorite teacher he ever had.
>=====    Lewatlah lagi empat tahun, dan masih terus
datang lagi suratnya.
>        Kali ini ia menerangkan ia sudah lulus jadi
sarjana, tapi juga
>        tuskan untuk terus melanjutkan. Surat ini
juga mengulangi lagi bah-
>        wa ia masih tetap guru tersayang dan terbaik
yang pernah ia alami
>        sepanjang masa.....
>   But now his name was a little longer ---  the
letter was signed,
>   Theodore F. Stoddard, M.D.
>=====    Tapi kali ini nama dia menjadi lebih panjang
sedikit - surat itu
>        ditandatangani, Theodore F. Stoddard, M.D.
(=titel dokter umum).
>  The story doesn't end there. You see, there was yet
another letter that
>  spring. Teddy said he'd met this girl and was going
to be married.
>=====    Kisah ini belum berakhir disitu. Dimusim
semi itu datang lagi se-
>        pucuk surat, Teddy menyatakan ia bertemu
seorang gadis dan ber-
>        niat akan menikahinya.
>  He explained that his father had died a couple of
years ago and he was
>  wondering if Mrs. Thompson might agree to sit in
the place at the wedding
>  that was usually reserved for the mother of the
groom. Of course, Mrs.
> Thompson did.
>=====    Ia menerangkan ayahnya meninggal beberapa
tahun yang lalu, lalu
>        ia ingin tahu apakah Ibu Thompson bersedia
mewakili dan duduk di-
>        kursi kehormatan yang biasanya dicadangkan
untuk ibu mempelai
>        lelaki. Tentu saja dia bersedia.
>  And guess what? She wore that bracelet, the one
with several rhinestones
>  missing. And she made sure she was wearing the
perfume that Teddy
>  remembered his mother wearing on their last
Christmas together.
>=====    Coba terka bagaimana selanjutnya? Ia memakai
kalung itu, yang
>    beberapa batu hiasnya sudah ompong. Juga
dipakainya minyak wangi
>    yang diberikan Teddy kecil, bau wewangian yang
mengingatkannya saat
>    bersama ibunya, dulu.....di Natal terakhir mereka
>  They hugged each other, and Dr. Stoddard whispered
in Mrs. Thompson's
>  "Thank you  Mrs.Thompson for believing in me. Thank
you so much for
>  me feel important and showing me that I could make
a difference."
>=====    Mereka saling merangkul, dan Dr. Stoddard
berbisik "Wah, terima
>        kasih Bu Thompson untuk mempercayai saya.
Terima kasih banyak telah
>        membuatku merasa berguna dan menunjukkan
bahwa aku bisa berubah
>        dan merubah."
>   Mrs.Thompson, with tears in her eyes, whispered
back. She said, "Teddy,
>   you have it all wrong. You were the one who taught
me that I could make
>   a difference. I didn't know how to teach until I
met you."
>=====    Ibu Thompson, basah berlinangkan air mata,
berbisik kembali,
>        "Teddy, kamu samasekali salah. Justru kamulah
yang mengajariku
>        bahwa aku bisa membuat suatu perubahan. 
>        Aku tak mengerti cara mendidik sebelum
bertemu denganmu."

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