Anak ambo Tara Sjarif (Mutiara Halima Sjarif, 14 tahun, kelas satu di
Harbor High School Santa Cruz) lai ka sato pulo balap speda, indak di
singkarak doh, tapi  di Laguna Seca, California weekend ko. Ado
Artikel di Santa Cruz Sentinel:


Tara Sjarif in Santa Cruz Sentinel
Monday April 13, 2009

 Local prep teams to compete at cycling festival
 Monterey Herald
  Throughout its nearly two decades, the Sea Otter Classic has evolved
as a cycling festival as much as its competitors have evolved as
  World champions to Olympic gold medalists to Tour de France riders
have all made yearly treks to Laguna Seca Recreation Area in Monterey
for this event.
  The majority of participating athletes are amateurs, with newbies to
nearly lifelong recreational competitors progressing through age-group
divisions. Some of their children are now doing the same.
  An increasing number of cyclists in recent years have participated
in the Sea Otter Classic, which begins Thursday, as an extension of
the NorCal High School Mountain Bike Racing League.
  Now in its ninth year, the league has 35 teams and about 425

 Harbor captain Maxime Schimmel, front, and Tara Sjarif will both
compete at the Sea Otter Classic this weekend.

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        Copyright © 2009 Santa Cruz Sentinel 04/13/2009


 Continued from B6
 pants. The corresponding first-year Southern California division has
15 teams and about 85 athletes.
  Harbor High has fielded a mountain bike team for the last four years
and will have 10 student-athletes and five coaches competing on
  Georgiana Bruce Kirby, which has had a team for five years, is also
sending riders. Other Central Coast schools participating include
Salinas High and the Monterey Kingfishers, a six-rider, homeschooled
  Harbor will use the Sea Otter as a mid-season tune up for the NorCal
season. The Pirates are currently ranked ninth on NorCals after three
races, according to first-year coach Joe Nehls.
  “This is the biggest race we’ll participate in. We’re doing it more
for fun. On Saturdays, we usually have a difficult, long practice so
this will be one of our practices,” Nehls said.
  Pirates captain sophomore Maxime Schimmel watched the team at the
Sea Otter last year and will compete for the first time on Saturday.
  “I just want to have a good time. I love riding my bike and the Sea
Otter is a great place to meet other people who like riding bikes,”
said Schimmel, who is racing despite breaking her elbow three months
ago. “Mountain biking is not really a sport, it’s more like a
lifestyle. It’s intense.” Although high school athletes primarily
compete for their schools in schoolaffiliated apparel, teams are
funded with grants and donations.
  At the Sea Otter Classic, unlike typical league events held as
competition between schools, high school athletes will compete in age-
group divisions at different skill levels. And while some high school
riders may compete in downhill races, the majority will ride in cross
country races beginning Friday for some divisions and Saturday for
other age groups.

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        Copyright © 2009 Santa Cruz Sentinel 04/13/2009

On Apr 14, 6:11 pm, zul amri <> wrote:
> Bangkitkan Potensi Wisata Sumbar
> Rabu, 15 April 2009 Suara Karya )
> Ajang balap sepeda Tour de Singkarak, yang baru akan dimulai untuk pertama 
> kalinya pada 29 April hingga 3 Mei mendatang, diputuskan menjadi agenda 
> tahunan Pemerintah Provinsi Sumatera Barat (Sumbar).
> Wakil Gubernur Sumbar Marlis Rachman kepada wartawan di Jakarta, Kamis lalu, 
> mengatakan, pemerintah daerah menjadikan ajang balapan sepeda sebagai agenda 
> rutin setiap tahun karena menyadari dampak positif yang dihasilkannya. 
> Dampaknya tidak saja membangkitkan semangat generasi muda menggeluti olahraga 
> sepeda, tetapi juga ikut membantu pertumbuhan industri pariwisata. Selain 
> itu, kegiatan tersebut juga membangkitkan dan memberdayakan potensi wisata 
> yang ada.
> "Karena itu, dalam pelaksanaan Tour de Singkarak tahun depan, pemda sudah 
> mengalokasikan dana tetap melalui APBD. Tahun ini dana yang dialokasikan 
> masih terbatas nilainya karena panitia belum memahami sektor mana yang perlu 
> pendanaan pemerintah. Namun, pemda sudah memberikan rekomendasi kepada pihak 
> swasta untuk mensponsori kegiatan tersebut," ujar Marlis Rachman lagi.
> Untuk tahapan awal, Tour de Singkarak akan diikuti 15 pebalap dari berbagai 
> negara, antara lain dari Iran, Australia, Kazakstan, Malaysia, Jepang, 
> Thailand, Filipina, Taipei, Belanda, Selandia Baru, dan Qatar. Jarak yang 
> ditempuh sejauh 459 km terbagi dalam empat etape, yakni Padang-Bukittinggi 
> (92,3 km), Bukittinggi-Sawahlunto (85,1 km), Sawahlunto-Danau Singkarak (90,2 
> km) dan Danau Singkarak-Danau Kembar-Danau Singkarak (188 km). Sedangkan 
> jumlah total hadiah yang disiapkan mencapai 60 ribu dolar AS.
> Untuk menyemarakkan kegiatan yang bakal disaksikan banyak wisman asal 
> Malaysia dan Singapura itu, Marlis Rachman menyebutkan pemda akan mengerahkan 
> 1.000 sepeda ontel. Sementara musikus Dwiki Dharmawan akan menggelar konser 
> Tour de Singkarak dengan melibatkan 100 musisi dan sejumlah artis penyanyi 
> dari Ibu Kota.
> "Tentu saja beragam bentuk atraksi kesenian khas masyarakat Sumatera Barat 
> dan pesona wisata kuliner khas Minangkabau akan ikut dipamerkan bersamaan 
> dengan digelarnya Tour de Singkarak itu. Jadi, pasti menarik lah," kata Wagub 
> Sumbar ini lagi. (Ami Herman)
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